Sunday, August 18, 2013

Effective Ways to Avoid Acne

Effective Ways to Avoid Acne - Acne is a word often hated by young boys and girls. Acne is an obstacle that makes feel insecure performance in some people. With the pimples we certainly would not be confident with our appearance today. Preferably prevent acne before you got struck from it . Because the skin has many oil glands (sebaceous glands) that produce fatty acids called "sebum" and sweat glands. So if the weather is hot, a state of panic or too tired, the skin will be easy oily, sweaty, sticky and dirty.

The following shows the main factors that can cause acne in the first place :

Avoid acne actually is not difficult. Depending on the circumstances we are in the skin and maintaining skin hygiene. There are several things that cause acne appear on the face. There are four main causes, namely :
 Increased population and activity Propionibacteri acnes because these bacteria are below the mouth of the sebaceous glands and sebum like to eat fat. Increased production of sebum due to hormonal influences, physical condition, and psychology. If accompanied by a blockage in the mouth of the sebaceous glands, sebum outflow will be unstoppable. Inflammatory reaction due to the invasion of white blood cells around the sebaceous glands that are already experiencing the dam and eventually rupture. Sebum fat contents spilled out on to the cuticle tissue or dermis, and is considered a foreign object so that the lure of white blood cells rush to the area. Blockage in the pores of the skin by sebum which turns into a solid.

For that there are Effective Ways to Avoid Acne before emerging. Which by :

1. Clean the face from the cosmetics before bed.
2. Avoid sugary and oily foods.
3. Pay attention to that balanced nutrition, sufficient intake of vitamin C and Vitamin E.
4. Avoid using oily cosmetics.
5. Give skin protection from the sun, especially in summer.
6. Do not stay up.
7. Do not let dirt and dust stay on the skin surface.
8. Clean and skin care with complete.
9. Do not direct contact with the skin of the face.
10. Use a mask when driving motorcycle.

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