Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to Accelerate Windows 7 Performance

This occasion I will try to share How to Accelerate Windows 7 Performance. This way I summarized from various sources and partly by my own experience. I think at this point the majority of computer users, whether PC or laptop, using the Operating System (OS) software giant Microsoft made ​​the Microsoft Windows 7. Before discussing further, some things you should consider in installing the OS, because basically, Windows 7 has a level of speed and better performance plus support good interface, compared to the previous OS. Some things are even aware of is make sure your PC or laptop spake support minimum system required for the installation of Windows 7, including:

- Processor 2 GHz DualCore
- 20 GB hard drive

if spake hardware meets the above requirements do Install OS Windows 7, and note How to Accelerate Windows 7 Performance on your PC or Laptop without the help of other software,

1. Remove Unnecessary Programs
Notice that the program is not important or that you never use the pre-installed in your PC or laptop, remove the program because the program will take your resources, both on disk and RAM, uninstall it by way of:

Click [Start] Click [Control Panel] click [Uninstall a Program] remove programs.

2. Hard Drive defragment
Hard drive defragment is done to fix the hard drive? Fragmented? or? fragmentation?. This is due to your PC or Laptop too frequently install or uninstall programs. ? Fragmented? or? fragmentation? hard drive raises the performance of your PC or Laptop to decline due to fragmentation of the hard disk makes the PC or Laptop to work extra hard, because hard drive for data / files / programs in widely scattered locations.
Hard drive defragment you can do by way of:

Click [Start] click [All Programs] click [Accessories] click [System Tools] click [Disk Defragmenter] Defragment the hard drive for all drivers in your PC or laptop.

3. Reduce Programs That Work In the StartUp
Application that works on Windows StartUp time will be run automatically when your PC or laptop is turned on. That means that the computer requires additional time to open these programs in the background. Though not all of these applications are used, the result PC or Laptop at Startup time is very slow. To get rid of apps that work on startup do the following,

Click [Start] Click [Run] type [msconfig] click [OK] Click [Startup] remove the check that is not important, click [OK] restart your PC or Laptop.

4. Backup the unused fonts
Fonts installed on your PC or Laptop generally reach thousands digit. The question is, what percentage are often used anyway? Unless you are playing in graphic design applications, but if not then certainly these fonts are very rarely touched. All the fonts will load by Windows 7. Move / Backup these fonts (unused), by:

from [Control Panel] click [Appearance and Personalization] select [Fonts] create a new folder for backup unused fonts, move the unused fonts to a backup folder.

5. Its not a Discard the Important Data that is
Data stored in your PC or Laptop require harddsik space, preferably all of the data that you think is not important, just delete it. Because the data that meets the hard drive can make the performance of your PC or laptop become slow. Do not forget to take also the data that is in the recycle bin, temporary folder and internet browser cache. First check the rest of your disk space by way of:

click [My Computer] on the drive to be checked right click and select [Properties] (Used Space / Used Space and Free Space / The rest of the space is still empty or empty).

6. Reduce Visual Effect
Reduce few effects are less important, or even remove it if you think disturbing the vision. windows 7's visual effect is very influential on the performance speed of Windows 7. Steps to reduce / eliminate Visual Effects Windows 7 is,

Click [Start] then type [System Properties Performance] on the [Search] select emerging applications. Select the tab [Visual Effects] remove the check that you think is not important, click [OK].

7. Check for Viruses on your PC or Laptop
I recommend that you always install the Anti Virus that always updated, especially if you are an Internet user, then it is required to Anti-Virus installed on your PC or Laptop, and do Scan your PC or laptop at least once a week. Because I think the virus can cause your PC or Laptop becomes slow performance, because the virus is usually invoked at boot time and stay in memory. Even some viruses intentionally meet your memory and slow down your PC or Laptop.

8. Disable the index search system
Index process by Windows 7 works every time and put on some memory. Moreover, this process requires its own space on the hard drive for storing files indexed. The more files on the computer so the more storage capacity is needed. Then disable the Windows 7 performance index so that you become better, by ways:

Click [Start] on the [Search] type [Services.msc] press [Enter] looking for [Windows Search] and select [Stop] or [Disable].

9. Accelerate Shutdown Process
Windows 7 in the shutdown process is fast enough, but it would not be wrong if we want even faster than default features, The trick is,

Click [Start] type [Regedit] on the [Search] press [Enter] and then locate and open the [HKEY-LOCAL_MACHINE] [SYSTEM] [CurrentControlSet] [Control] right click on the right side [WaitToKillServiceTimeOut] select [Modify] then change the value default becomes smaller to speed. Click the [OK]

10. Reduce Service That Not Required
Deactivate the service is not necessary to increase the speed of system booting your PC or Laptop. The following include some service that I think you need to disable them, because it influences the speed of your PC or laptop, such as:

Application Experience;
Diagnostic Policy Service;
Distributed Link Tracking Client;
IP Helper;
Offline Files;
Portable Device Enumerator Service;
Protected Storage;
Secondary Logon;
Security Center;
Tablet PC Input Service;
TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper;
Windows Error Reporting Service;
Windows Media Center Service Launcher.

Steps to disable the services,

Click [Start] type [Services] on the [Search] right click on the Services you want to change the status, select [Properties] in the Startup type specify that you want, options including: [Automatic (Delayed Start)]? [Automatic]? [Manual]? [Disable]. Click [OK] and then [Restart] PC or Laptop

Source :

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