Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How To Lengthen your Hair

 I was looking for how to lengthen the hair practically and good for the health of hair. And these are some tips that I found. May be useful :

1. Use essential oils, such as lavender, basil, nettle, and lemon. Apply a few drops of one of the essential oil before by using a pipette on our scalp. Perform gentle massage to the whole of the hair and scalp and leave overnight.  In the morning, we just wash and rinse until clean.

2. Rule 8 glasses of water a day will make our skin and hair become more healthy and beautiful.  Getting adequate water intake is not directly going to make hair grow faster, but the body well hydrated will be able to prevent the threat of split ends. That means, we do not have to straighten hair (trimming) regularly and the hair can grow without "interference".

3. Exercising regularly can improve the circulatory system to the rest of the body, including the scalp. The better the circulation of blood, the more the sign of blood and nutrients available to the hair follicles.

4. Comb your hair properly.  Use a natural boar bristle brush which has a soft brush and malleable on the hair and on our scalp. Combing stimulates the scalp oil production that assigned to lubricate the hair and our scalp. If our hair oily type, avoid combing too often because it will only make your hair more oily.

5. Keep the cleanliness of the hair and scalp. Get used to wash our hair regularly to remove any dirt, dust, and oil deposits that accumulate in our hair. hair washing can clean the dirt that clog the pores of the scalp that may inhibit hair growth.  Moreover, hair washing is also a good massage activity on the scalp to stimulate and provide a path to grow new hair easily

6. Increase the intake of protein will help your hair grow faster. Meanwhile foods containing saturated fats can slow the natural hair growth process. Foods such as eggs, yogurt, almonds, cashews, and milk, is a good source of protein to support hair growth. Then we also can optimize the way include foods that contain vitamin A, B, C, E, zinc, and iron (such as beef, spinach, yoghurt, and fish) in our daily menu.

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