Monday, August 5, 2013

10 Largest City Parks

Walking on a city park with a cool and beautiful scenery is very pleasing and relaxing, you could spend the weekend with friends and family to relax and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of the park. well here there are 10 World's Largest Parks.

10. Kings Park, Australia

Kings Park is the most famous park in western Australia. This park is facilitated with a variety of trees and flowers of all species in the world. You can find rare trees and flowers that are difficult to find in the world, walking through the park with your friends and family really exciting and you also can dissipate your stress.

9. Washington Park, Denver

This park is located at the end of southern of central Denver. This park covers over 150 hectares and it's the one of the largest urban parks. Each year there are thousands of visitors come to enjoy the beauty of this park very convenient. All around the park there are many places that confront the beauty of this city park.

8. Stanley Park, Vancouver 

This park is easily accessed by all people because there's many routes and roads that leading to this garden park. This park provides a number of ponds, woods, a row of pedestrian streets, a of sports venues, and game zone.This park has an area of 1100 hectares and this park is one of the largest parks in the world.

7. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia

This park was very large and it's divided into 60 parts. This park is very easy to reach by all people so that makes this park is always full with many people but there are a number of points that never gets too crowded. A river is also located on the side of the park that offers great opportunities for fishing.

6. Bitsevsky Park, Moskow

For those who are busy with the activities of the crowded city and wanted to rest for the hanger all thoughts, go to this park is very appropriate because of the beauty of this park can relieve stress. This park covers a large area and there are a number of well-known story about this park.

5. Metropolitan Park, Santiago

This park covers an area of more than 1900 hectares of which are quite beautiful garden. Inside you will find many parks pools, zoos and swimming pools. In This park you will also find shops and a few stout dining.

4. Chapultepec Park, Mexico City

This park also has a vast territory and is one of the most popular date in the city. This park has a number of museums, zoos, and a swimming place.

3. South Mountain Park, Arizona

This park is the largest park in the United States because it covers an area of more than 16,000 acres. This park was developed in the 1920's and 1930's. This park is a small part of the Sonoran desert. To enter the park at least you should need a guide trace if not then you can get lost in this park.

2. Central Park, New York

This park was completed over 25 years and become one of the largest parks in the country. This park can also be called as one of the most visited park in the world. You can do many stuff in the park such as biking, skating and more. Museums, restaurants and art galleries are all in this park. Quite interesting isn't it ?

1. Northeast Greenland Park

This park is the world's largest park covering an area of about 972 000 square kilometers. This park is even larger than the parks in many countries. This park covers the entire side of the coastline and most parts of Greenland. that's a wow isn't it ?

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