Sunday, September 22, 2013

Half-flora And Half-fauna Creature

Half-flora And Half-fauna Creature - The beauty of God's creation can not be defeated. This unique creature half Flora and half Fauna. It seems this sea slug creature is the first to be found of its half flora and fauna type . Because the newly discovered snail can produce pigment chlorophyll like a plant. Scientists estimate this ingenious slug steals genes from algae that they eat so they can produce chlorophyll. With the stolen genes they can photosynthesize, the process plants to convert sunlight into energy.

"These animals can make the molecule contains energy without eating anything," said Sydney Pierce, a biologist from the University of South Florida in Tampa. Pierce has been studying the unique creatures, officially called Elysia chlorotica, for 20 years.
He filed his latest findings on January 7, 2010, at the annual meeting of the Community for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Seattle. This finding was first reported by the journal Science. "This is the first multicellular animals can produce chlorophyll," Pierce said.

The sea slugs live in salt water marshes in New England, Canada. In addition to stealing the gene to produce the green pigment chlorophyll, these animals also steal tiny cell parts called chloroplasts, which is used to carry out photosynthesis. Chloroplasts using chlorophyll to convert sunlight into energy, like plants, so that the animals do not need to eat to get energy.
"We collected a number of these animals and save them in an aquarium for months," Pierce said, "As long as the light was given for 12 hours a day, they can survive (without eating)."

The researchers used a radioactive tracer to ensure that these snails actually produce chlorophyll, and not to steal from the pigment that has been on the algae. In fact, these snails to integrate genetic material so perfect that it can be passed on to subsequent generations.

Children of snails that have been stealing genes can also produce their own chlorophyll, though they can not photosynthesize before they eat enough algae to steal enough chloroplasts. So far they have not been able chloroplast own production. The success of these snails are marvelous, and scientists are still not sure how this animal could choose genes that they need.

"It may be the DNA of one species can get into other species, as evidenced by this type of snail. But the mechanism is still unknown," said Pierce. - Half-flora And Half-fauna Creature

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Source : Here

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