Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 Most Crazy Weathers in Our Solar System

For decades, astronomers have used telescopes to describe the condition of the atmosphere on a distant planet. And concluded the fact that we are grateful to have lived on this earth.

10. Serious Lightning
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has seen an electrical storm on Saturn that is larger than the continental United States electrical storm, with flashes of lightning were 1,000 times stronger than on Earth. Thunderstorms that stretched 2,175 miles (3,500 kilometers) from north to south and emit radio noise similar to that produced in the earth.

9. Hot Crush
As the name implies,. Venus is the hottest place in the solar system. with a temperature of about 750 Kelvin and has a pressure 90 times on this earth will make every visitor will be destroyed. Scientists said that this happens because of excessive greenhouse effect of clouds covering sulfate venus ceiling. Then become a huge greenhouse effect and cause this happen.

8. Methane Moon
Cassini Huygens spacecraft found evidence of strong among heavy rains liquid methane that occurs in Saturn's moon "Titan". And maybe "water" in the moon is also due to methane in Titan's cold temperatures (94 degrees Kelvin) water will be locked up as ice.

7. Scarlet Rain
In the summer of 2001, at least 50 tons of red particles falling at Kerala, India and continued for nearly two months with rain. It turns rusty red objects such as particles of dust storms and biological cells originating from outer space. In the April issue of the journal Astrophysics and Space Science, scientists from the Mahatma Gandhi University reported that the particles have the appearance of biological cells, can reproduce at temperatures , and have nothing in common with dust particles.

6. Popsicle planet
Pluto is not considered the 9th planet in the solar system has the fact that the sunlight is at pluto compared to earth is approximately 1:1000 years and that the planet consists of ice consisting of frozen nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide with temperature ranging between minus 387 to minus 369 Fahrenheit (40-50 degrees Kelvin).

5. Windy World
Neptune was discovered roaring wind that blows more numerous and powerful than on the Earth, reaching 1,500 mph (2,414 kph). Along with the rapid rotation of the planet (approximately 16 hours), causing convection heat and cold very quickly, and can affect the speed of the wind and creates the wind speed exceeds the speed of the earth

4. Freeze Frame
Uranus can reach temperatures below minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit (89 Kelvin). Uranus has a 17-hour rotation, but the revolution that led to the season was 84 years (extreme) long will change. Sometimes it can be so cold that methane gas in the atmosphere condenses into clouds of methane crystals.

3. Close Encounter
The two spots above the sphere of the planet jupiter is a raging storm on the planet. The large one is called the great Red Spot, a storm that is more than double the width of the Earth with a 350-mph ((563 kph) winds and the small one (storm) called Red Jr. Though not fully understood, scientists think the red color correlates with the intensity of the storm-wind then generate chemical compounds from beneath the clouds and lift them to a higher place, plus ultraviolet rays to produce a brick hue.

2. Dust Buster
Mars is known to have flung dust storm that swept across parts of mars. The rust-colored dust can be blown at speeds of 60-100 mph (97-161 kilometers) per hour, which lasts for weeks. Once started, it can be an impenetrable fog blanketed more than half the planet, raising the temperature 30 degrees Celsius in parts of mars.

1.Iron rain
Called "failed star," brown dwarf planet is the newly discovered planet in our solar system. Brown color indicates that the planet has a high ferum element. This planet has a storm like the one on jupiter and flung the irons to its surface. This brown dwarf is getting cold from time to time, the molecular gas condense into liquid iron clouds and rain. With further cooling, a large storm cloud swept away, leaving the bright infrared light scattered into space. - 10 Most Crazy Weathers in Our Solar System

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