Thursday, January 23, 2014

Obama From Various Countries

Obama From Various Countries

Because Obama fever is sweeping across the world, many people are narcissistic and claimed similar to U.S. President Barack Obama, some say that they are similar to Barack Obama by their friends, and some are not aware that they are really similar to the Barack Obama.

Here are some people who claim and transactions are carried out as a person who is similar to Obama from various parts of the world.

1. Gerardo Puisseux

He is a reporter for a website online U.S. Spanish-language TV, because many say he's similar to Obama so that he became a star in one show Reality Show on TV. (The form and countenance is somewhat similar to Obama, but the face not so similar)

2. Nozomu Sato
Japanese comedian that is trying to become Obama to be sent to America, and with this he was willing to make the skin become brown color so that it looks like Obama (seems there is no resemblance at all).

3. Michael Lamar

He is employed by Icon, an agency of famous people from America. Remarkably, Lamar get to France for leased by Black Associations Committee reprentative Barack Obama (seems like there is kind of similarity)

4.Claudio Henrique Dos Anjos
The Brazilian politician intention to change his name to Barack Obama in order to get the most votes in the election of Rio de Janiero governor.

5. Soultice
Columbian origin hip hop producer gives his photographs via the internet while claiming that he is similar to Obama.

6. Ilham Anas
Ilham Anas is a common people who originated from Indonesia, and because of his resemblance to Obama making Anas became famous and even starred in advertising a drug product in the Philippines. - Obama From Various Countries

What is your opinion about this resemblances ? comment it below :)
Source : Here

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