Wednesday, February 19, 2014

10 Most Amazing Snakes And Evolved Tremendously

10 Most Amazing Snakes And Evolved Tremendously

There are about 3,000 species of snakes in the world, since their emergence during the dinosaur age they have to adapt to different pattern of life and evolved into different species. Here are 10 amazing snake and evolved tremendously.

10. Elephant Trunk Snake
This strange snake commonly found in Indonesia, although some are also found in Australia. This snake gets its name from unusual skin, wrinkled and loose, looks old, and super large size. They can grow up to 2.5 meters. This snake habitat in the water, and when on the ground powerless, they can not glide like other snakes because they do not have a large scale in the stomach. This snake food is fish, including catfish and eels, this snake has a little poison which is not lethal, so they use a coil to kill its prey. The scales are large and prominent adaptations for holding slippery fish and wrapped them under water.

9. Tentacled snake
Other water snakes from Southeast Asia, this is a unique species, the last surviving species of its genus. The most famous of these snakes is a strange fleshy tentacles on the snout. The tentacles are actually very sensitive mechanosensors, which allows the snake to detect movement in the water and attack any unfortunate fish that swim nearby. Another interesting trait is the speed of the snake tentacle attack is remarkable, needed only 15 milliseconds to capture prey. Although snake tentacle is venomous, it can not pose a threat to humans. its small body, only 90 cm long. Just like Elephant Trunk Snake , it is fully in the water and can hardly move on land.

8. Long nosed vine snake
Again snakes that native to Southeast Asia, Long Nose Vine Snake is an arboreal predator, not like other snakes, it has very good eyesight than most snakes, and allows the attacking prey with precise accuracy. Its tongue bright green. lightweight body that allows it to move quickly on the leaves and can reach from one branch to another by half a body in the air! The food is primarily lizards and frogs, and even though they are venomous, they do not pose a serious threat to humans, just sore and swollen after being bitten by this vine snake , and the symptoms will disappear within a few days.

7. Langaha Nasuta
One of the most bizarre reptiles in the world. Just like a vine snake, snake Langaha (also known as leaf-nosed snake) named in accordance with arboreal lifestyle. The most interesting properties of course, "horns" strange or projection on its snout. Males and females of this snake looks very different; males have yellowish skin and smooth and sharp, as well as having "horns", while the female has a brown, rough skin. It is one of the few snakes in the snake which gender can be determined easily by just looking. Langaha Nasuta snake found only in a protected rainforest in Madagascar. very venomous and its bite can be extremely painful to humans, but does not cause death.

6. Atheris hispida
Found in the Central African rain forest, this small viper snake is very venomous. Have feather-like scales that give the appearance of a unique and cool (unusual in the call, "Scaly Tree Viper"). Viper Atheris grow up to 75 cm. Like all vipers, Atheris folded fangs at the front of the upper jaw, there is no antidote is found, the bite causes difficulty breathing, blood clots, pain and swelling, until death. Fortunately, these vipers usually stay away from human settlements, has been one of the very rare and protected snakes.

5. Horned Viper
Found in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, this snake has a small horn, usually measuring 50 cm. They had a pair of horns above the eyes, but there are also some individuals who have no or only grow slightly. They are venomous, but their bites are not usually fatal to humans. The Horned Viper was officially named "Cerastes Cerastes" in 1768, by Austrian naturalist Nicolaus Laurenti. Cerastes is the origin of the Greek mythical monster, a snake hiding under the sand in the desert and ambushed any passing creature, using the horn as an attraction.

4. Burrowing Asp
The Asp is a smallish snake from Africa which spends most of the time underground. These snakes eat mice, and have large fangs that function basically spraying poisons, protruding out of the mouth when used. Its fangs are also flexible and can be moved freely, which means that the snake can stab their prey with only one tusk, and after it had killed the victim. Due to the nature of cardiotoxic and necrotic, and the ability to inject more deeply than other snakes. This snake is very dangerous for humans.

3. Tiger Keelback
Also known as Yamakagashi, or Japanese water snake, this species is mostly found in East Asia. It is small, rarely exceeding one meter, and very shy, so much in fact that they are considered harmless, until someone dies because yamakagashi bite in the 80s. Because the venomous fangs located in the back of the jaw, they can not inject their venom as easily as other snakes. The main food is frogs and toads. In addition to the colorful bright colored, colored Tiger Keelbacks there normall. More recently, it was found that these snakes are immune to poisonous frogs; are not only immune to poison frogs, but they really could "save" the frog poison glands in the neck. When threatened, it could release two venom (its toxins and poisons from frogs ).

2. Flying Snake
Flying snake found in the rainforests of India and Southeast Asia, and, although they are slightly cool name, they can not really fly. When the snake flew wants to go from one tree to another, it launched itself into the air and floated when the ribs come out of the belly, so that its body widened and changed like wings. Flying snakes are even better than the glider flying squirrel. The squirrel can glide up to 60 meters from one tree to another, Flying Snakes can glide up to 100 meters or more, and they actually "glide" in the air, which gives them better stability. These snakes are harmless to humans. The food is primarily lizards and other small animals. This snake spends most of its time in trees.

1. Sea Snake
Sea snake is the most unusual of all kinds of snakes . They come from the same family as cobras and coral snakes ( Elapidae ) , but they have adapted to a lifestyle completely at sea , remarkable adaptations . There are 62 species recognized to date , and they are found in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean , they are all extremely venomous , venom is ten times more powerful than cobra . Sea Snakes ' One ' , the sea snakes ' Belcher ' , considered by experts to be the most toxic of all sea snakes . Fortunately , the sea snakes are very docile and human fatalities are extremely rare . They breathe by absorbing oxygen directly from the water , through their skin ! They also have special glands in their tongues , which expel excess salt from the body organs .

There's more , perhaps the most stunning of sea snake is the Golden Sea Snake . This species can be air- photoreceptors in the tail , which makes it possible to detect variations in light and may detect predators . It means that Golden Sea Snake can see by using its tail. - 10 Most Amazing Snakes And Evolved Tremendously

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