Sunday, March 23, 2014

10 Greatest Pilots Ever


10 Greatest Pilots Ever

1. Pilot without arms
Jessica Cox suffered a disability and born without arms. None of her mother pregnancy test showed there was something wrong with her. But she was born with a rare congenital disease, but also with a great spirit. Psychology graduate can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on the phone just by using her feet. Ms Cox, from Tucson, Arizona, United States, is also a former dancer and double black belted Tae Kwon-Do. She has unlimited license, she flew the plane and she can type 25 words per minute. She used an airplane ride called Ercoupe and it is one of the few aircraft that were made and will be certified without pedals.

Without rudder pedals Jessica is free to use her feet as hands. It took three years to complete her lightweight aircraft license. She had three flying instructors and practiced 89 hours of flying, becoming the first pilot with no arms.

2. Courageous pilot while got shot between the eyes
A British military pilot successfully landed 20 passengers to the ground even though he was hit by a bullet between his eyes. Lieutenant Ian Fortune was the task of transporting the wounded from the battle between the American forces and the Taliban in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

When he took off with a full load of victims, ricocheted bullet through the helicopter and hit the face of Fortune. The bullet then hit and damage the automatic system of the chopper stabilization, so it is very difficult to fly helicopters.

Although blood flow to the eyes, Lt. Fortune still struggling with manual controls for eight minutes and managed to land the victim back to Camp Bastion.

TV presenter Mike Brewer was in the helicopter when the incident took place. He told Sky News:
"It was scary. We come under fire as being closed off. Then after we take off, Chinook suddenly slid from side to side and we heard the pilot had been shot. The only reason we did not go directly back to the desert is because of the courage and skill of Ian and the crew. "

3. Pilot who landed on the highway
Frank Vogt is a Cessna traffic pilot who encounter lost oil pressure at an altitude of 1200 feet from the ground. In the early morning darkness, the land looked like a dark field, except for the highway.

"I know it's pretty broad, I know it's pretty straight. No wires, and I do not see a lot of kites," said Vogt.

He reasoned that because the traffic is not too crowded, so there will be enough space between cars so that they can slow down and let him carry out his plan.

He even managed to pull his Cessna to the side of the road, despite the inevitable rubbernecking. When the traffic is blocked as far as a half mile in both directions.

4. The youngest pilot that can fly five different types of aircraft
Evan Graham has a record as the youngest pilot to fly five different types of aircraft at the age of 16 years. He is celebrating his 16th year with flying alone using five different aircraft:

Vintage WWII L-4 Piper Cub taildragger,
Robinson R-22 helicopter,
Cessna 150 Aerobat,
Robinson 44 Raven II,
1965 Cessna 150.

5. Pilot that can fix the outside part of the plane while in the air
One of the difficulties of air travel is the impossibility of making repairs outside the cockpit while in flight aboard. This applies especially if the problem is centered around the tail. And this problem has been solved by James Terry, a pilot from Miami, Florida. He was also an inventor who demonstrated a safety device for fixing aircraft while flying.

6. Pilots who Escaped Death Only Less than 1 Second
The man who are ejected from the aircraft is Captain Brian Bews and he is lucky to be alive. This skilled pilot is lucky he still managed to pull out just before the CF-18 fighter jet getting crashed in a flight training . The practice of flight training was held at the Lethbridge County Airport and apparently in preparation for the weekend airshow in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. There are no details of exactly why this fighter jets could fall.

The Video :

7. Passengers who managed to land the plane when the pilot died in the air
When the pilot of a twin-engine Beech aircraft collapsed and died in mid-flight, passenger Doug White of Archibald, Louisiana, took over the plane and land it safely.

White, his wife and two daughters flew from Marco Island, Florida, to Jackson, Mississippi, on Sunday after attending the funeral for his brother White. When in the middle of the flight, he realized something was wrong with the pilot.

Although he was a certified pilot single engine and has about 130 hours of flying, he did not know how to fly a plane which is much larger, such as the Super King Air two-engine turboprop aircraft.

He told his daughter, "You go back there, and I want you to pray!"

Although White sound pretty calm, the tension can be clearly illustrated on the recording issued by the Federal Aviation Administration as a controller in Fort Myers, Florida. They tried to talk to him to lead him to land at the nearest airport.

At one point, the controller asks if the autopilot is still running or whether the white fly the plane by himself, "I and the good Lord who flying it now," said White.

8. Pilot who patching the plane's damage only with isolation (Duct Tape)
During the private flights on the way to fishing around the Alaskan wilderness, the pilot and passengers leave their rental equipment and baits on the plane.

Then the bear smelled it and even tearing up badly damaged plane body. The pilot then asked for help on the radio. Help also came to bring him 2 new tires, 3 boxes of duct tape, and a supply of sheet plastic. They were patching plane, and fly home.

9. The pilot who was shot by his own bullet
On September 21, 1956, Tom Attridge test aircraft flew a Grumman F11F-1 Tiger. He fired a 20mm cannon while maneuvering quickly. A few seconds later, the cockpit is then exposed to a blow from external objects. Attridge immediately reported over the radio that he was returning to land.

While attempting to land, the jet lost control and it crashed while landing on the runway. Subsequent examination found three bullets and one bullet 20mm in the whole plane. Unique is the fact Attridge managed to shoot his own fighter.

How could this happen? With 0.5 G and dive conditions, Attridge had flown below the trajectory of the bullet, and 11 seconds later they fly through the flight path of the aircraft and the bullet.

10. Helicopter pilot who rescued a deer trapped in a frozen lake
A group of people gather to watch a deer that is struggling to escape near Lake Thunderbird, Oklahoma. Mason Dunn, a helicopter pilot who worked for the news agency's Oklahoma City TV, moved to help this deer.

He used the wind from the helicopter rotor to push the deer trapped to safety after it lost its footing on a frozen lake and could not get up. With the help and pressure of the wind, the deer finally get a footing on the slippery ice. - 10 Greatest Pilots Ever

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