Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our Brain Is Getting Smaller In The Last 20,000 Years

Our Brain Is Getting Smaller In The Last 20,000 Years

This is probably not pleasant news, but the fact remains, the human brain is getting smaller. The results of the study revealed brain size shrank gradually over 20,000 years. This decline occurs throughout the world, applies to men and women, across all races.

"Over the last 20,000 years, the average volume was reduced from 1,500 male brain into 1,350 cubic centimeters cubic centimeters, the number of lost tennis ball size," said Kathleen McAuliffe, writer at Discover Magazine. "The female brain is decreasing by the same proportion," she added.

Is a shrinking brain size means people more stupid?
Dr John Hawks, an anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin argued, smaller brain size does not translate into lower intelligence. On the contrary, a decrease in brain size we show that we are getting smarter. Brain, using up to 20 percent of all the fuel we consume. Therefore, a larger brain would require more energy and take longer to develop.

Dr. Hawks noted that the explosion of human population between 20,000 and 10,000 years ago triggered a beneficial mutation. Hawks confident, it causes the brain to become leaner, more and neurochemical changes increase the capacity of our brains.

Some paleontologists also agreed with the Hawks, that the size of the smaller, even more efficient. However, not all scientists believe similar. Some believe that humans become more stupid, in line with the evolution process.

Several theories are used to explain the mysteries of the human brain shrinkage. One of them, that the large head size of early humans needed to survive Upper Paleolithic era of cold air.

The second theory, the size of the head associated with foraging patterns in the past, which is hunting. The more easy to get food, the human head will stop growing.

Meanwhile, other experts argue, the ancient times when the high infant mortality rate, only the strongest surviving baby and the most powerful is that having a large head and brain. Now, with the reduction in infant mortality rate, leads to a decrease in brain size proportionally.

According to research by David Geary and Drew Bailey of the University of Missouri, explored how cranial size changed as humans adapted human in an increasingly complex social environment between 1.9 million to 10,000 years ago.

They found that when population density is low, increasing the size of the skull. Conversely, when the population of certain areas changed from sparse to dense, our cranium size decreased, because humans do not have to be smart to survive.

But Dr Geary warned, "Do not necessarily think that the ancestors of humans are smarter than us".
"Our ancestors did not have the intellect and creativity as modern humans, because they do not have a culture of support," he said. At that time, the human mind is squeezed to survive.

Improved agriculture and modern cities based on economic specialization enables intelligent man focused their efforts on science, art, or other fields. - Our Brain Is Getting Smaller In The Last 20,000 Years

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