Monday, March 17, 2014

Who Is Actually The Largest Provider Of Oxygen For The Earth ?


Who Is Actually The Largest Provider Of Oxygen For The Earth ?

If you answered : Trees

The answer : sorry .. you are still wrong .. the tree is one of the contributors of oxygen, but only by 20% for the earth. Trees are useful to mitigate (reduce) the carbon dioxide that is in the earth. So to reduce the impact of global warming, plant a tree so that its CO2 can be utilized by the tree. Because the fair value of CO2 is 0.1% in the earth, but the year before CO2 levels in the atmosphere has reached 0.3%.

So the correct answers are : 
Do you know who it is?

Yap the answer is Plankton, particularly phytoplankton.

Plankton are defined as any drifting organisms that live in the pelagic zone (top) ocean, sea, and fresh water bodies. Plankton widely regarded as one of the most important organisms in the world, because it becomes food for aquatic life.

For most sea creatures, plankton is their main food. Plankton consists of the remains of marine animals and plants. The size is small. Although similar objects including life, plankton do not have the strength to fight the current, tide or wind that presents itself.

Plankton living in coastal areas where it gets supplies of mineral salts and sufficient sunlight. It is important to allow it to continue living. Given the plankton into fish food, not surprising that there are a lot of fish on the coast. That is why active fishing activities carried out in the region.

In addition to the remains of animals, plankton are also created from plants. When viewed under a microscope, plant elements can be seen in the plankton algae. Some sea creatures that feed on plankton are like rocks, shells, and whales.

Plankton are organisms which accounted for 80% of the oxygen that exist on this earth. With the ability respiring produce bubbles of oxygen contained in the sea, the oxygen is released into the air and into a gas that we can enjoy today.

Scientists from the United States found plankton can indirectly create clouds that can withstand most harmful sunrays. So that plankton can help slow the process of global warming.

Dierdre Toole of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and David Siegel of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) are two researchers.
Dierdre Toole
David Siegel

The study, funded by NASA revealed when the sun is shining on the ocean, the upper layer of the sea (about 25 meters above sea level) heats up, causing a high enough temperature difference to the marine layer underneath. The top and bottom layers separately and not mixed with each other.

Plankton living in the upper layer, but the nutrients required by the plankton there is more in the lower layers of the ocean. Therefore, plankton are malnourished.

Due to the condition of malnutrition coupled with the hot water temperature, plankton stressed so more vulnerable to ultraviolet rays that can damage it.

Because susceptible to ultraviolet rays, plankton try to protect themselves by producing substances dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), which serves to strengthen their cell walls.

This substance decomposes into water if a substance will be dimethylsulfide (DMS). DMS then detached itself from the sea surface to the air.

In the atmosphere, DMS reacts with oxygen to form sulfur similar components. DMS sulfur components were then attached to each other and form small particles such as dust. These tiny particles are then easier for water vapor from the ocean to condense and form clouds.

So, indirectly, plankton help create clouds. Clouds are formed causing the less ultraviolet light that reaches the surface of the sea, so that the plankton were freed from disturbance ultraviolet light.

This process actually has several years studied in the laboratory by scientists, but only this time the natural process can be studied.

Cloud caused by the plankton, is believed to slow down the process of global warming, as well as having a large effect on the Earth's climate. However, to prove this, further research remains to be done careful.

Research conducted in the Sargasso Sea, off the coast of Bermuda also find it surprising that this DMS particles can decompose by itself in the air after only three to five days. In fact, carbon dioxide in the air, can last up to decades. - Who Is Actually The Largest Provider Of Oxygen For The Earth ?

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Source : Here

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