Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ways to Avoid Google Death Penalties

Ways to Avoid Google Death Penalties - The types of punishment or Google penalty is something that often confuses many bloggers. Many of the bloggers who do not know why all of a sudden traffic from Google's visitors drastically reduced. They do not realize that blogs are being penalized by Google as a result of a "campaign" blog that performed.

To help the blogger friends recognize the types of violations, which bring punishment from Google, so I made this article. Hopefully with this article can help my friends blogger to recognize the problem of what happened to their blogs.

off we go to see the types of penalties during the year of 2012 :)

# 1 Google Penguin Penalty

Google Penguin is Google algorithm that designed for attacking web spam. So if your blog is engaging in cloaking actions , keyword stacking and participate in a backlink search system, so beware .... little careless could slapped from Google Penguin. Results of this penguin a Google slap punitive sanctions or penalties that could make your blog visitors graph to collapsed. Example blog graphs that slapped by the Google Penguin algorithm can be seen below .... lying directly at the point of 0.

# 2 Google Panda Penalty
Google Panda algorithm is slightly different from the Penguin. This algorithm targeting websites with poor quality, such as a low quality articles, plagiarized and does not offer anything more than other websites. If we already contains a lot of blog articles, and then hit by panda, it is usually very difficult to get fixed .... Because of this many articles that will damage the reputation and aggravate all the improvements that we have to do. Example graphs sanctioned website from Google ....

# 3 Google Penalties Penalties For Unnatural Link
This is the most head oppressive of the novice bloggers. Blog can not be salable in Google's eyes if you do not have backlinks. If the blog did not provide attraction/interest , which also means fewer visits. If the blog visited by a little, means is very unlikely that anyone would give backlinks. And if no one gives a backlinks, the blog does not salable in the eyes of Google. A vicious cycle that only has two solutions.

The first solution is to do a campaign with a big release funds, in order crowded used blog from another source (with the hope of it there are some who want to put a backlink). This solution must not be useful because the average of the bloggers, do not have a special budget for the their blogs. After all very few people are willing to give a link, even though they love the article.

Finally all that remains is the second solution, which is to build your own backlinks, .... apparently even then still should be under the shadow of a penalty from Google penalty. Yes it is the fate of novice blogger (-_-). "Not much choice really, if you move forward you can get struck. Could also be affected if you move Backward. The only solution to this problem is to keep something that made ​​it feel natural. Few tricks that made the blogger is to maintain a stable rate of increase in backlink, and generate keywords from the link to be highly variable.

Graphic example of a blog that caught committing unnatural additions, can be seen below. Graphed with a significant drop, before the subsequent fall gradually :

# 4 Google Penalties For Backlink Services Installation
Usually a lazy blogger looking for or put a backlink will use an apply backlink service for him/her. Characteristic of these services is a different backlink to the website it was found repeatedly posted the exact same arrangement. This scheme was booming in 2010, where spammers from China many attack sites quite open.

This system also offers the usual to apply your link on profile pages with low quality, and their severity using the robot to do this. So in just one night only you can get up to tens of thousands of backlinks .... but after that the increase of the backlinks would freefall.

So much safer if you just ask for the URL link only to find the URL link mentioned and perform your own comments. Because if each did own commentary, so that a unified pattern of comments will not be formed and actions tend to find backlinks can still be done without disturbing the Google algorithm. By doing it yourself, you can also add keyword variations as you pleased, and maintain relatively stable rate of increase in backlink.

Here is a graph of the website that caught using the services of advertisers backlink :

# 5 Google Penalties For Link Buying
Buying links is like paying a website to put our website link on the article or just all in all pages of the website. Actually, this model is quite a lot in our countries. But if you think about what black hat that not crowded in our countries? Fortunately the internet is a big place, so it is almost impossible to supervise manually. On the other hand robot was not able to sort out which one for sale link and natural link. With so many violator this rule are still under the radar.
Advertisements also include this violation, and both are mounted installer and can be affected by the problem. So if one day I received a friends request to place an ad, it definitely still be nofollow link .... But we see the fate of the captured buy backlinks blog :

# 6 Google Penalty For Always The Same Anchor Text
This is the reason why I always recommend using a variety of keywords in the backlink deployment, because the uniformity of the keywords it will be no good. At first it will encourage uniformity your blog bounced higher, but to some extent and has felt no longer natural, the opposite effect will occur. As a result of such penalty on a blog can be seen in the chart below :

# 7 Penalty Due To Many Links In Footer
The graph below is the graph of a website that put so many links in the footer of the blog. As a result of his blog's traffic immediately plummeted. The blog owner then removes more than 150 it posts links and within 1 week, blog traffic back uphill again. So it's good to make a log or record of what you are doing from day to enable you to track the performance problems that lead to your blog in free fall. You can use Ms.Excel to make your activity log.

# 8 Google Penalty due to spam comment
Below is the graph of a website to find backlinks by way of comment spam. But not to be confused with spam comments on blog comments. Comment spam characteristics, just copy paste for all the blogs, and it contains a link. It is therefore highly recommended when making a comment to a blog article should follow and use anchor text consisting of 5 words or more. It will make your comments are not defined as web spam.
The following chart we see is the examples of other blogs sanctioned punishment for spamming comments below.

# 9 Punishment For Google Pagerank
Google give penalty for all websites found to provide a link in the form of ads on other websites that carry forward the pagerank. That's why I said above that if I want to open a stall advertising, then make sure it's still nofollow. One case happened famous website of British newspaper, in which PR blog slam from 7 to 3. Because the ads on their pages found pagerank forward to another blog. We just see the percentage of the traffic result ....

- Ways to Avoid Google Death Penalties .
I hope this article may be useful to the reader and my fellow blogger, happy blogging guys ! :)

what do you think about this article ? please comment it below :)
Source : Here

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