Friday, March 7, 2014

Aircraft Design Of Ancient Inca Civilization

Aircraft Design Of Ancient Inca Civilization

So far, various mysterious artifacts have been found in many parts of the world with the form and function is still debated. One is shaped like aircraft artifacts allegedly found in Egypt, Saqqara Bird.

Although the design has been researched and Saqqara bird is unable to fly away, but the design refers to the design of modern aircraft has led to speculation about the origin of this artifact.
Then, whether a similar artifact is only found in the ancient Egyptian civilization? Apparently not, Prekolombia civilization ever existed thousands of years ago it also has artifacts with a similar shape. Wonder what happened in the past so mysterious artifacts found with functions that are not clear, and one of them is this artifact.

An artifact in the form of gold jewelry found in a place in the region of Central and South America, unfortunately there is no definitive information where it is located. The artifacts made ​​of gold, and is thought to have aged more than 1000 years, because researchers can not be sure when the artifact was made.

In 1954, the Government of Colombia to send a collection of gold artifacts to a number of museums in the United States. During the time in America, a diamond businessman richest in the region want to make a replica and try to unravel the mystery that is hidden in each of the artifacts.

One of the artifacts are then sent to a zoologist named Ivan T. Anderson to be investigated. When looking at the design of the object, Ivan remembered the shape of an airplane, then he asked for the opinion of an expert in aircraft aerodynamic origin Aeronautical Institute of New York, Dr. Arthur Poyslee.

From the results of the investigation, the object does bear a resemblance to a modern aircraft design, and shape of its wings is not similar to any animal in the world, but it is uncertain whether the artifact depicting aircraft designs of the past, because it still requires further research.
Artifact measuring approximately 2 inches is expected come from Sinu civilization, Chimu, or Mochica, ancient Inca civilization that existed in the year 500 till 800 BC. Back on the design of this thing, according to Dr. Arthur, if this is an artifact representing the animal, then the placement of the wings in this one thing because its center of gravity would not be appropriate so as not to allow it to fly. In contrast, the front and rear wing configuration is ideal for high-speed jet engines such as the design of the Concorde! although only in the form of illustration only.

Is ancient civilizations already thought of all aspects of aerodynamics, to the extent that the concorde plane was using a similar design?
If we consider, indeed a glimpse of the artifact shaped like some kind of animal, although strange tail. Archaeologists call these artifacts as zoomorphic objects, ie objects that are shaped like animals. But, if it looks like an animal, then, what animal would it be? If seen from the shape of the head, the body, and the part that is similar to the wings, maybe this thing looks like the kind of fly fishing, but with different tail shapes.

Tail shape is very similar to modern aircraft tail shape, try to compare this with the aircraft's tail. Although it seems forced, but the tail section, there is also a tailplane which is usually found on modern aircraft.

Meanwhile, other researchers are still busy with the work and the aerodynamic aspects of these artifacts. They argue if this is a true artifact of aircraft design, then this thing will not be able to fly because its design does not allow.

However, they find something in this artifact. On the head and body, there is a mysterious gap of unknown function. Some researchers argue that if the gap is the mechanism of this thing to fly, and this is the mechanism by which they mean.
Suppose if the researchers were correct, with such a mechanism, is this thing can fly?

Six similar artifacts on display at the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History. Meanwhile, two other artifacts stored at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Primitive Art in New York City.

Artifacts that stored in the Chicago Museum said to have a more detailed design compared with other artifacts.

Meanwhile, Ivan really sure if these artifacts are tangible evidence of the progress of modern civilization. As he put it,

"The concrete evidence that the ancients knew of flight was forced upon us only a few years ago. Now we have to explain it. And when we do we will have to rearrange a great many of our concepts of ancient history. "

He looks very confident if the artifact is evidence that the design of modern aircraft has been discovered thousands of years ago.

But, of course, many doubt that Ivan statement. Those who do not agree with Ivan, said that Ivan was too quick to conclude that the artifact is the design of modern aircraft without further research.

Theory without evidence is nothing more than "nonsense" alone. Unlike the Saqqara Bird who has researched and created a replica by experts to design a glider named Martin Greorie, Inca Artifacts are not named and have yet to be verified if the object is an ancient aircraft.

In addition, it is possible if the artifacts are not more than a jewelry past when viewed from the artistic side. Try it look carefully, we will definitely see the carvings on the wings, head and tail of this thing. - Aircraft Design Of Ancient Inca Civilization

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