Sunday, September 8, 2013

6 Most Unique Apartments in the World

1. Waldspirale in Darmstadt
 6 Most Unique Apartments in the World - One artist from Vienna, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, has designed what has become one of the best unique and visually stimulating buildings in the world. With over 1000 unique windows, individualized handles on windows and doors, a living roof, café, parking lot, restaurant, bar, playground, and running streams, Waldspirale in Darmstadt, Germany is an architectural marvel.

2. Reversible Destiny Lofts

Recent work of New York based designers Arakawa and Gin, Reversible Destiny Lofts is an unusual apartment block based in Mitaka, Tokyo. They are eye-catching brightly painted lofts that look like a McDonald's play land through the eyes of someone on LSD. Architecture looks like after the earthquake that size 3, a little shaken and tilted. Price U.S. $ 750,000, respectively.

3. Block 16
Block 16 is part of a master plan designed by OMA new prestigious city center in Almere, Netherlands. The autonomous expressive block reacts on two conditions: the billowing end marks as a kind of gatekeeper the harbor entrance. At the other end the movement is smoothened and the building fits with right-angled grid of the adjacent glass high housing blocks.

4. Block Nova Gorica

Slovenian architects Ofis recently completed apartment block in the center of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Front consists of a 3D "lace" pattern that generates elements such as balconies, terraces and pergolas.

5. Copenhagen Building

This building in Copenhagen, Denmark is an apartment block consisting of V and M shapes. The idea is that such a block is formed to allow for daylight, privacy and views.

6. Montreal's Habitat 67

Apartment connect and stack like Lego blocks in Montreal's Habitat 67. Without a traditional vertical construction, the apartments have the open space that most urban dwelling lack, including a separate terrace for each apartment. - 6 Most Unique Apartments in the World

it's quite unique isn't it ? tell me your opinion below :)
Source : Here

See also :

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