Sunday, September 15, 2013

Surprising Facts On Monday

Surprising Facts On Monday - Without the need undeniable, when Monday morning sometimes feels really heavy to move to go to work. it feels like to be repeated again on Saturday and public holidays. Monday is the first day of the week as we all know Monday is the beginning of all the activity after the holiday weekend. The following are some interesting facts about Monday.

1. Most of us do not smile in the morning until 11:16 am
 A study, by Marmite in the UK shows that many people will smile on Monday at 11:06 am at least after the study was conducted in the southeast area of ​​English which is the happiest place in the region average person there smiling first at 11:06 am .

2. Five ways to eliminate boredom on Monday
 Regular Monday considered as a boring day to eliminate boredom is usually a lot of people now conduct most activities performed to relieve boredom on Monday are: 1. Watching TV, 2. Sex, 3. Shopping on-line, 4. Buy chocolate or make-up and 5. Vacation planning.

3. More than 50% of employees are late for work
 Today that being the this week being the most lazy day to work. scientists claimed more than 50% of employees being late to work on Monday.

4. Monday being the most hardly ever rains
 Nature can not be guessed when the rain arrived. but consider 7 days a week Monday is the the that most hardly ever rains.

5. Most people committed suicide on Monday
 Office for National Statistics in the UK found 16% of suicides are committed men and 17% of suicides are committed by women took place on Monday. from those of the other if the suicide rate is quite large on Monday the average person to commit suicide outside Monday only 13%. This was caused Monday is the day when starting the activity and may be a day that is quite annoying.

6. Many people experience a heart attack in Monday
 British Medical Journal reported a 20% increase in heart attacks on Mondays than any other day of the week. Attacks can be caused by stress and high blood pressure caused by the return to work.

7. Monday is the best day to buy a car
 It turns out you know a lot of people do purchase a car on Monday. Car salespeople in regular sales calls to promote and look for a full week and the customer is usually a car purchase transaction or agreement will take place on Monday is what causes many people to buy a car on Monday. - Surprising Facts On Monday

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Source : Here

See also :

Your Body is The Best Doctor

Keeping Your Health in The Rainy Days

Wrong Myths About Diet

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