Tuesday, November 26, 2013

12 Most Important Moments In Google History


12 Most Important Moments In Google History

1. Google became an official
Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford in 1995, but it was not until September 1998, after depositing a check from Sun Microsystems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim, Google filed to be installed in California.

The company also hired the first employee of the month. Despite the excitement in the company, is still being run out of the garage, but it was not until February 1999 Google have moved to an official office in Palo Alto.

2. Adding AdWords
AdWords service was introduced with 350 subscribers in December 2000, offers a self-service advertising system that is able to provide online activation with a credit card, keyword targeting and performance feedback.

The introduction of this service will give Google the funds needed to invest in some serious research and development to produce future technology.

3. Eric Schmidt made CEO
On August 6, 2001, Google announced the appointment of Eric Schmidt as chief executive officer (CEO). Shmidt, who has been on the board directors of the company at that time, previously served as CEO of Novell and corporate executive officer at Sun.

Schmidt is also a member of Apple's board of directors, though eventually he will leave by mutual agreement because Google and Apple obviously will compete in the same areas.

4. Gmail announced
Inspired by Google users complain of poor email service features, as well as the fact that the email is an activity that is more popular than search, Gmail was introduced to the world on April Fool's Day 2004.

5. Google Earth
Google Earth, certainly one of the most significant success of the company, was launched back in June 2005. It brings together satellite images and search technology in a single product.

Earlier this year, Google has added the ability to view maps in 3D, claiming to help people understand the gradient or plan a better holiday.

6. Google's acquisition of YouTube
Google spent $ 1.65 billion on YouTube, confirmed the agreement on October 10, 2006. The announcement came only a year and a half after the most popular video site was established.

Towards the end of last year, Google began to consider charging subscription fees for YouTube, though this has not been implemented to date.

7. Launching chrome
Widening its wings even further, Google launched the Chrome browser in September 2008. It has increased its market share since it was released, but remains behind rivals such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

In July 2009, Google then announced Chrome OS, an open source, lightweight operating system initially targeted at netbooks, until now are under development.

8. Nexus One: another let down?
The Nexus One hit stores in the U.S. in January 2010, but sales were initially unimpressive. There are also issues in the UK, where the launch was postponed, and later in the year Google will announce there will be no Nexus Two.

Despite the success of the mobile phone in question, Schmidt told The Telegraph said it had achieved what Google wanted with the Nexus One.

Of course, Google's Android operating system has seen some pretty solid uptake and is a major player in the mobile OS space.

9. Google threatens to leave China
Google will always have problems in China about their different views on the sensor. When the search company is claimed to have been hacked by the resources of the country, the situation worsened to the point that Google threatened to leave China altogether in January 2010.

Currently, users have the option to go to Google.com.hk to do a web search or using a small number of services running on the Chinese version. This seems to be a suitable deal for both parties, such as Google's ICP license was recently renewed by the Chinese government.

10. Buzzted
Google introduced the Buzz social network in February 2010. The new tool, which sits in a dedicated tab in Gmail, designed to allow users to share and discuss links, photos and videos with their Gmail contacts.

Unfortunately for search companies, a loophole in the system means that the contact is publicly exposed unsanctioned Buzz users. Google had to pay $ 8.5 million (£ 5.5 million) as part of a settlement of privacy.

11. Nightmare on Street View
Google Street View vehicles mistakenly retrieve data over Wi-Fi networks that are not encrypted while recording images for mapping services and then was under investigation in a number of companies where the car was.

In the UK, it looks as though the search giant will not be punished for mistakes, but elsewhere Google still might have difficulty.

12. Google Wave
After the first at the Google I / O developer conference in May 2009, Google Wave - The new communication and collaboration tool - is launched. - 12 Most Important Moments In Google History

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