Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tree That Can Walk

Tree That Can Walk It may sound strange, but this plant really able to walk. This plant comes from tropical forests of South Africa. This plant can grow up to 25 meters, has a rod with a length of 17 cm. The plant name is "Socratea exorrhiza", commonly dubbed "Walking Palm" or "Cashapona". This plant have the roots are not like other...
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16 Funny Owl Memes

 AW, At Least You Tried Wha??? NO It's Nature's Rocket Yeah, It Was That Big ! SOON. You Can't Work At Hooters ! Moist Owlet He's Making That Face Again TicklesTicklesTickles ! YOLO, Owl Version I'm Proud of You Okay I Got it, What ?! Doesn't...
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ways to Fix Lack of Sight If There's No Glasses

Ways to Fix Lack of Sight If There's No Glasses The state of emergency vision glasses when there is no glasses can happen at the spur of moment that the glasses broke so can not be used, or when losing glasses or forgot to bring it, especially for people who are aged further. Meanwhile we all need to regain our sight. Whether it's for...
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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Ants Spiral of Death

The Ants Spiral of Death Ant is an insect that has an abundance of charm and also the most mysterious creatures on the planet. Did you know that ants could also be mass suicide? Not because of stress or fight against the enemy, but just because something trivial. they form a circle that made themselves trapped and died, and continue to...
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Top 5 Toxic Plants in the world

Top 5 Toxic Plants in the world Toxins can be found or contained anywhere, one of them contained in the plant. Here it is 5 most poisonous plants known. Many people do not know what plants that are toxic and can be harmful to the body. As quoted from HowStuffWorks, there are 5 most poisonous plants known, namely : 1. Oleander Oleander...
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Atheist Professor Vs The Agnostic Student

  The Atheist Professor Vs The Agnostic Student A professor at a famous university challenged his students with this question, "Did God create everything that exists?". A student bravely replied, "Yes, He who created everything". "God created everything?" The professor asked. "Yes, sir," the student replied. The professor responded,...
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

7 Wonders Awaiting You After Crying

7 Wonders Awaiting You After Crying Who says there's no point when you crying? Over time cry it can make the eyes become red and swollen. But make no mistake, crying and tears it could be a miracle cure that is useful for the health of body and mind. What are the benefits? Quoted from Beliefnet, here's 7 wonders can you get after crying...
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The Invention of Chocolate Chip Cookie

  The Invention of Chocolate Chip Cookie You must know about biscuits Chocolate chips or more popularly known as Choco chips. You know, cookies are crunchy wheat bread sprinkled with small brown granules on it. In this post, I will give an interesting article about the story of the discovery of chocolate chips that apparently happened...
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Let's See The Whisky Making Process

 Let's See The Whisky Making Process Whiskey (English: whiskey from Scottish Gaelic, or Irish whiskey of the language, fuisce) refers broadly to the category of alcoholic beverages from fermented cereals are undergoing a process of mashing (crushed, mixed with water and heated), and the result through a distillation process before...
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